Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR (ACDMHR)

Paper #2                                                                             

Support at Work and its Relationship with Employee Performance: Critical Insights for Early Scholars

Hussain Ahmed Mughal

Abstract: The current papers aimed to drive the attention of employee performance. The study has critically analysed past literature of prominent scholars` work who investigated on the significance of employee performance for businesses. The paper has highlighted towards a very crucial component pertaining to the role of organizational support in fostering performance. The study has reviewed studies from notable databases to suggest that enterprises aiming to enhance employees` performance need to provide and enhance their support features. Therein, such organizations should work on their employees to harness support prospects ranging from colleagues, supervisors and management. In a nutshell, the study has underlined that employees who perceive higher organizational support, they tend to perform better. Since there is a cooperation and support from the organization towards individual employees which this leads towards individuals perceiving enhanced performance.

Keywords: Employee performance; organizational support; business; supervisor support.

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